- 2025
- Computational resources for NSF Graduate Research Fellows
- Using a `config.yaml` file in Snakemake pipelines
- 2024
- A Python package to extract GPS metadata from photos
- Leveraging guest lectures in course design
- A hands-on seminar for peer editing
- Using dplyr with variable column names
- Thoughts on being a teaching assistant
- Plotting outputs from SLiM simulations in R
- Executing SLiM from the command line
- Writing outputs from SLiM simulations to file
- 2023
- Best practices for teaching
- Count repeated values in a dataframe
- Grad school funding
- Teaching my Intersession course
- Adjusting the significance threshold for LD datasets, using simpleM
- Working in science policy
- Using `latexdiff` to track changes in LaTeX
- My blog!